One of my resolutions for this year was to branch out and
help share my knowledge of fitness in the hopes of inspiring others to get
active and improve their health. I've had the opportunity in my many years of
competing in various sports to work with many talented trainers, athletes and
I decided in December to stop thinking and start doing. Over
the next few months I'll be launching DeyFit Endurance Training. My focus will be helping those 8-5ers, the
working athletes, the cubicle cowboys and cowgirls learn more efficient ways to
work fitness into their lives.
We as a nation sit far too much. I’m considered active, yet
I sit for at least 50% of my day. The only way to combat the health
consequences of a sitting lifestyle is to be active more often. Choosing not to sit is not an option for most
of us so we need to come up with practical techniques that are engaging and fun.
I’m currently creating a workout program to counter the
effects of sitting in our lives. I intend to give it away free once I’m done. It
is going to be simple and comprehensive. I'd love to know if there are any
techniques you use in your life that I might be able to include.
If you'd like more information head over to my website Learn a little bit about my journey, what I'll be up to this year and what is in store with my racing.